Sunday, September 14, 2008

Well, At Least The Weekend Was Fun!

The weekend was at least fun!!! It isn't usually fun, which is weird. Usually my weekend is spent at home on my computer writing blogs, wondering what other people think, like what they will comment... Yesterday I spent the entire day at Lauren's house... Which was pretty fun! I went so see her soccer game, fist thing when I got there after hanging out for a while....Lauren is on the La Verne Soccer team named the La Verne Lasers... Pretty cool name if you ask me... But anyway, I thought that it was pretty fun! At the end of the game, the score was Zero to Zero! Isn't that weird? I know it has happened a lot before, but I'm surprised because I did not see it coming! After that, I went back to her house and hung out the rest of the day pretty much...


simply susan said...

The LaVerne Lazers soccer game was exciting.... bth teams holding their own and thus a scoreless game. But still great plays and some great shots (photo's too). Then we brought lunch home, played some video games and headed out to Mass. Gabriel almost had to serve, but saved by Mike. Picked up Gabe's favorite mini pizzas for dinner and headed home to watch a movie, but Gabe ended up looking under Lauren's bed for secret stuff??? What did you end up finding?

Lauren said...

I went on Andrews blog this evening and he wrote a lie about me on it. I am hurt by this. Could you please ask him to remove that part of his post. People reading this will get the wrong idea, and not realize that we are all just good friends.

Lauren said...

hey gabe if andrew is going to lie about me on his bolg bout when we went to mass i dont think we can hang out any more. cause he totlly lide besides did you se him at mass cuas i didnt. i am seriously pissed right now so tell him to remove that part of his blog and everything is ok.


get a playlist standalone player get ringtones!