Monday, September 22, 2008

Lauren's Artistry, My Own Study, And, CO-ED Sleep Overs?

Well, today was just another day that passes by... I guess there was a few things that happened, though. Not big, but you know, just stuff. Today started with art, which was when we had to create a room for something that has to do with perspective... Not my favorite thing to do, but then, I saw Lauren's room drawing, and it was great! I never saw something quite like what she had drawn today... Nice job, Lauren! Everything was very well done, because it was carefully sketched rather than plain pencil on paper, and move in one direction, sort of thing. Which is also the technique I use when I draw something according to my mood. Very good Lauren! After that, the rest of the day was mostly boring. I also did my own study of how well you pay attention according to the weather outside. It turns out that, during winter, when it is usually dark and rainy outside, especially heavy rain, showing the most change of all, that you are better rested and able to understand things more accurately. I believe because your body is in the trance that it is nighttime, and during the night you aren't used to seeing your class mates. Unless a co-ed sleep over, which will never happen, and if it did I will pay you one hundred dollars, because the whole class wouldn't do that most likely. ESPECIALLY the girls. They won't exactly be in pajamas sleeping in front of guys... But of course the guys would... Mostly because the majority of us (guys) are kinda immature in ways I cannot explain because I'm not one of them... I would go, but I won't feel all that comfortable...Eventually during the event I would, but I would just mind my own business and play a game that would be at the sleep over or watch a movie that would be playing... Because that's what would be going on as an activity for everybody to start falling asleep, and ones who would stay up probably tying to do something weird to Angela... Besides me, who would just sit there looking at the ceiling, or talking to someone until they fall asleep. It might be a little weird to have the whole class for a co-ed sleep over, but when you think about it, after a while, you start to get used to having people around you that wouldn't be around you normally, like the girls, or if your a girl, like the guys. I think that if you are mature about it, you actually know everybody more. Or, you know more about them, because of a co-ed sleep over, you thought would never happen... I'm just saying it would be a good idea, if you were mature enough about it, and most guys aren't, and because they aren't, the girls don't want anything to do with them while in the same room, during nighttime, at a sleep over... If it were to happen, maybe everybody might not think less of others.......... Co-ed sleep over sounds crazy, but only if the wrong people are invited..... And if they're invited, they need to try to be mature...

1 comment:

Andrew said...

Uhhh I think they are called guy girl sleepovers...because co-ed means cooperative education...or something. But anyways, I agree with you. I bet all the guys would play a prank on the doubt about it. At least Angela The sleepover would be kinda weird and wouldn't happen...unless we were five. Beause when you are five, you don't understand why exactly you are atracted to one another (maturely speaking), so there would be more kiddish fun happening rather than...*Ahem*. So yeah, I think it would be kinda cool...but I would be afraid of Sam know what's been happening Gabe (plz don't tell Lauren without my permission).

PS: Seriously don't...


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